Corporate information
Message from The Management

With the motto of "social contribution", we aim to be a company with a warm and strong presence.
Since foundation in 1948, we have made various products in the field of industrial sewing machine parts, including "world's first" and "world's only" equipment. We are proud that our those products are use to make a lot of daily necessities such as clothes, shoes, bags and furnitures, etc.
We are grateful to our customers and business partners for their warm support to us. We will keep serving them to be of help. Management and emmloyees of KINOSHITA will do utmost to create a company with a warm and strong presence.
Tomomi Kinoshita , President & CEO
Corporate Profile
Company Name
Kinoshita Precision Industrial Co., Ltd.
Representative directors
Haruhiko Kinoshita, Chariman
Tomomi Kinoshita, President & CEO
1948 Proprietorship Kinoshita Sewing Machine Company
1960 Limited partnership Kinoshita Sewing Machine Industry
1970 Kinoshita Precision Industrial Co., Ltd.
201 Marushincho, Kita-ku, Nagoya 462-0063
phone: +81-52-901-3331
facsimile +81-52-901-2757
J.Yen 38 million
Business content
Manufacturing of industrial sewing machine related equipment parts, manufacturing of precision equipment / industrial equipment parts